Travel & Accommodations
- The Lehigh Valley International Airport in Allentown, PA is 35 minutes away from Clinton. You can either rent a car and drive to Clinton or take Uber. Uberx from Lehigh Valley airport is about $65.
- Newark Airport is 45 minutes away from Clinton. You can either rent a car and drive, take Uber, or take a bus to Clinton. Link to bus schedules is here.
- An Uber ride from Newark to Clinton is about $60.
- Bus: There is a direct bus to Clinton that leaves from Port Authority Bus Terminal. The bus stop is about a mile from the venue (The Red Mill) and about two miles from the Holiday Inn. See bus schedules here.
- Train: Take the NJ Transit Raritan Valley Line from Penn Station to the Annandale station, which is about 2.5 miles from Clinton. See train schedules here.
- Global Ag parking lot – 19 West Main Street – approximately 50 spaces
- Lower Center Street Municipal lot – 35 spaces
- Water Street Municipal lot- 20 spaces
- Municipal lot – 43 Leigh Street – 24 spaces
- Clinton Fire Department – 1 New Street – 15 spaces
- Community Center – 63 Halstead Street – 15 spaces
- Clinton Public School – 10 School Street – 140 spaces
- Main Street and East Main Street – On-street parking has a 2-hour limit
Group Code for Phone Reservations: RIV
Reservation line: (888) 465-4329 & (908)-735-5111
In order to see the room block, you will click on the booking link.
- You will come to the Holiday Inn page.
- You will then scroll down to the “Date of arrival” and enter date of your arrival.
- Click on the tab for “Check Availability”
- You will be brought to the Room block customized area showing the rooms in your block and the rate for that room.